An Overview

Religious Education

The spiritual development of pupils is of the utmost importance and the reason for the school’s existence. All pupils receive two and a half hours of Religious Education each week and the subject is taught in accordance with the Articles of Government following the Liverpool Archdiocesan syllabus.

Key Stage 3 – Years 7-9

All pupils follow a common curriculum: Religious Education, English, Mathematics, Science, Food and Nutrition, Drama, Product Design, History, Geography, French, Music, Art, Physical Education and Computing. In Year 8 and 9 some pupils are able to study a second language, German or Spanish in alternate years.

Key Stage 4 – Years 10-11

All the pupils study the following subjects to examination level: Religious Education, English Language, English Literature, Mathematics and Combined Science (2 GCSEs). Through our options process, pupils can choose to study three additional subjects from the following: Art & Design, Computer Science, Creative iMedia (non-GCSE), Drama, Food & Nutrition, French, German/Spanish (alternate years), Geography, History, Music, Physical Education GCSE, Product Design, Sports Studies (non-GCSE).

A small number of carefully selected pupils may pursue a more vocational route via a very successful alternative curriculum. This involves local college courses, work placements and a reduced academic curriculum based on the core subjects. We do not necessarily have pupils following this vocational pathway, selection is based on individual pupil needs.

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

The National RSE Curriculum which became mandatory from September 2020 forms the structure by which pupils learn about RSE.  Aspects of the spiritual, moral and social areas of sex education are considered within Religious Education at appropriate levels.  Issues relating to health, biology and emotional well-being are also covered in Science.  RSE is also an integral part of our Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural programme (SMSC). 

Special Educational Needs/ Learning Support

Our Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-Ordinator (SENDco) liaises closely with our primary feeder schools and acquires information on all children who have been identified as having a Special Educational Need or Disability. In their first term at Holy Cross they will undergo diagnostic assessment to give a clearer picture of the support required. Most will be placed in smaller group situations where they will receive more teacher contact. Parents are kept informed of progress and invited to Review Meetings at least once a year.

A small number of children have Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP) highlighting their needs. School Support Assistants are used for in-class support and withdrawal of small groups for Additional Literacy support.

Further information

For further information on our curriculum, please contact one of our reception team who will direct you to someone who can help you.