The Governing Body is comprised of five types of Governors:

  • Foundation – appointed by the Archbishop to preserve the religious character and ethos of the school
  • LEA – appointed by the Local Authority
  • Parent – appointed from and voted in by parents
  • Staff – appointed from and voted in by the school staff
  • Headteacher    

There are twelve Governors. The Full Governing Body meets termly.  There are two committees that also meet termly: Standards and Effectiveness, Resources.  Other committees meet when needed include: Admissions; Attendance; Discipline and Dismissal; Performance Management.

School Self Evaluation and Development

Governors are responsible for monitoring the school’s performance.  This is done through the Governors’ Self Evaluation Forum: A nominated governor is attached to each of the school’s main Areas for Development; Mission and Ethos; Leadership and Management; Pupil Outcomes; Quality of Education; Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare.  Nominated governors meet regularly with senior staff to support and challenge them in moving the school forward in achieving the best outcomes for our community.  The link governors report progress to the full governing body termly.  Other aspects of school life are reported to governors through fortnightly meetings between the Headteacher and Chair of Governors as well as through the Headteacher’s termly report to the full governing body.

For more information on the Governors, please view the following document;

Full Governor Information updated July 2024

Governors Meetings Attendance 2022-2023

Further information about the Governors of Holy Cross is available from the Headteacher’s PA:

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