Mrs L Prescott – Head of Department


Our science curriculum is ambitious and challenging for all pupils by providing them with access to a range of scientific ideologies and developments through regular opportunities to investigate, problem-solve and apply their learning to real-life applications which extend their understanding.  Pupils are provided with a broad and balanced science curriculum where topics are interleaved through a scheme of learning which builds upon the National Curriculum at KS2 and prepares pupils for their GCSE exams and further studies.  This is achieved through a coherent and logical curriculum which connects both substantive and disciplinary knowledge; prioritising pupils building knowledge of the nine “big ideas” to consolidate their learning through investigations and support the development of practical skills.

The science curriculum has been designed to provide equal access for all pupils; through regular retrieval practice and high-quality teaching and learning which highlights and addresses misconceptions.  Through high aspirations, all pupils at Holy Cross Catholic High School have a positive and intrinsic motivation to learn about and question the world around us in order to become scientifically literate young people.

Curriculum Map

Curriculum Plan Science 2024

Curriculum Journey

Curriculum Journey - Science 2024
Curriculum Journey - Separate Science v2

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