Mrs B Harrison – Head of Performing Arts


The Performing Arts curriculum is broad and balanced, designed to engage, empower and inspire pupils to develop their creative potential, their practical skills, confidence, reflection and physical dexterity and overall performance.  We encourage pupils to become enthusiastic, imaginative, innovative and independent learners, empowering them to develop the necessary transferrable skills for further study and future careers.

We believe in ambition for all and equal access for all.  Pupils of all abilities participate in performing activities for at least their KS3 years if not beyond, enjoying creating and performing their own work, learning the skills of teamwork, organisation, persistence and determination whilst striving for accuracy and precision in their work, thinking flexibly and taking responsible risks.  As a result of this, it is hoped that the pupils will enjoy the experience, build confidence in themselves and foster a sense of pride in their achievements.

The Performing Arts department aims to provide a comprehensive range of extra-curricular activities and performance opportunities for all.  These come in the form of whole school productions, regular concerts, performance at school worship, visits to professional performances and workshops.  It also recognises the need to stretch and challenge the most able pupils, to allow them the opportunity to create and perform at the highest possible level.

Curriculum Map

Curriculum Plan Music

Curriculum Journey

Curriculum Journey - Music 2024

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