Miss K Nelson – Head of Art


Our art curriculum is broad and balanced, this enables pupils to develop a large range of employable life skills including problem solving, patience and confidence.  We believe that our ambitious curriculum provides opportunity for our pupils to be inquisitive, resilient and self-critical which are important to personal success.  Our curriculum, which is underpinned by the stages of the creative process, allows pupils to engage in and value the journey of making art along, making it equal for all.  This begins in KS3, building on the skills taught in KS2, and enables all pupils to work with increasing independence as they progress to GCSE.  Pupils are actively encouraged to articulate their ideas and knowledge in written form with emphasis on promoting good literacy.  We embrace diversity and our pupils have the opportunity to explore their creative individuality.  Visits to galleries and museums encourage pupil awareness of cultural diversity and we study a vast array of artists from a range of cultures.  Art encourages self-expression and creativity and can build confidence and a sense of individual identity that will stay with our pupils long after they have left Holy Cross.

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

Scott Adams

Curriculum Map

Curriculum Plan Art and Design 2024

Curriculum Journey

Curriculum Journey - Art 2024

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